The Impossible Quizmas
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The Impossible Quizmas

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Merry Christmas! 2017 marks the 10th Anniversary of the original 饾懟饾拤饾拞 饾懓饾拵饾拺饾拹饾挃饾挃饾拪饾拑饾拲饾拞 饾懜饾挅饾拪饾挍. So to celebrate, here's a mini Christmas Special!

饾懟饾拤饾拞 饾懓饾拵饾拺饾拹饾挃饾挃饾拪饾拑饾拲饾拞 饾懜饾挅饾拪饾挍饾拵饾拏饾挃 is an online christmas themed trivia game created by Splapp-me-do. This hilarious holiday game includes so many tricky questions. Sometimes, you have to choose the funniest answer. During other rounds, you must find hidden goodies. Fill your shelf with presents, while listening to Christmas music.

Categor铆a: Juegos de Pensar
A帽adido 14 Jul 2018