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Captain Video (1949 - 1955) - Trailer

Captain Video (1949 - 1955) - Trailer

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Descripción del vídeo:

A 15-chapter matinee serial that was a spinoff from the TV series "Captain Video and His Video Rangers."

1. Journey into Space
2. Menace to Atoma
3. Captain Video's Peril
4. Entombed in Ice
5. Flames of Atoma
6. Astray in the Atmosphere
7. Blasted by the Atomic Eye
8. Invisible Menace
9. Video Springs a Trap
10. Menace of the Mystery Metal
11. Weapons of Destruction
12. Robot Rocket
13. Mystery of Station X
14. Vengeance of Vultara
15. Video vs. Vultara

TRIVIA: No worries about a silly romantic subplot. There are no females in Captain Video's universe. The robot suits were recycled from the Gene Autry serial "The Phantom Empire."
